Sunday, November 18, 2007

Today's Topic Broken down dogs

Dogs dont always run like a honda civic. Sometimes they go bad and need a little repair or just be it time to heal from what ever the hell it was that was bugging them in the first place. I cant tell from the dog much more than that if this dog dont get better soon it may just well ..... I would rather not say.

It is sad when your dog is sick. But I do think that it is weird when people ask you how your dog is doing. Hello Bob, (I dont have kids) How are your dogs doing? They are fine, Dusty still is capable of self gratification and Milly has no memory of any of the night that we had in vegas.......They are just my dogs. I love them and hold them and pet them but I am not going to send anybodies love to them. Hey Bob, tell Milly I said hello, hey give Dusty 20 bucks for gratuation of obidience school we are all so proud of him.

I know that it is just a kind jesture but I do find it odd.

I was petting my dog today and wondered if there is any work available in dog petting. I wont feed them or poop them but by golly I will pet them for hours for a nominal fee. Also, they make their own coats. They dont have to shop for a jacket. they Just grow one. That is cool. I have met a few people that have the same potential but they are not as popular as you would expect.

Other than that Not much to report. I will do my service and kill two turkeys to help reduce the wild turkey outbreak that they have here in Illinois. Turkeys have been overrunning our forests and without our help will bread endlessly causing horrible diseases and infecting the human population with diseases that can rot a brain in under 48 hours which will always be misdiagnosed. We must band together as a nation and kill and consume as much turkey that we can. I am going to start a movement to rid this world of turkey. Lets the mass execution begin on this thursday and hopefully we will rid our land from those dangerous creatures.

What do live turkeys even smell like. I smelt some chickens before at the county fair and it did not make me hungry. Turkeys are probably worse.

Any how have a good thanksgiving

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Oh what to talk about.

Today is Sunday. Just changed the clocks back. My wife lied to me about the time it was. She is a tiny little liar. How dare she be so decieving. This brings up the trust issues agian. Hey wait I am a guy and guys dont have imaginary problems.

I can tell you one thing the male mind is mostly a simple place. There are about three things at most that I can keep track of at once. Usually it is amps, cars and guitars. Why dont women run countries or airlines and hospitals. They seem to handle much more at once. And they are not distracted by simple impulsive purchases on ebay. Just my view. And if we can have a woman president we can blame the bitch when it goes bad. We call Bush names but we cant call him our bitch. Either way I am going to buy all my products from china while I still can. We better do it before china runs out of oil to make the crappy circuit boards.

I wonder if pace makers are made in china. Maybe we will have a chinese woman as president of the United States. To bring up another offensive topic. Why is it that people that dont vote or pay alot of taxes seem to complain the most about immigration issues.

Politics, religion, finances, and sex topics are still taboo in this country. I dont have trouble talking about them. I dont not require that you agree with me. It is just casual converstation. I dont have a big panic button that alot of people have.

My wife just admitted that she lied to me to get me out of bed. I cannot rely on anyone to be truthful and honest. Why should I continue with the rest of the day knowing that the world is one big lie.

I wonder how often I lie.

I think that it is less than what most people do. I don't even fake all that much. People with perfect social grace annoy me and are boring. I like people who are on the edge of dispair at least one a season. Christmas is a good time for a breakdown. Thanksgiving has more food so people tend not to freak out. Who can freak out after that much turkey. Is their Prozac in turkey. It has some protein in it that makes me fart more than sleep but I handle proteins differently than most people. People call me after they eat the next day. Excuse the topic. Hey Bob I s%^t all day after I ate at your house. I reply oh I am so sorry no one else was sick, I feel OK. They reply that I was not sick I just had to s%#t all day. Oh, I said.

Well that is enough. I am going to pretend that football is important so that I can sit on my ass for the next 12 hours undisturbed and pretend to get upset when my team loses. Am I lying