Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Here we are one year later. One more Valentine's day under our belt. It is so nice being married. (That is written as a form of self protection)

I often wonder how many of my friends have happy marriages. I know a few that are probably getting closer to that area of joy and some that are not. I seem to ebb and flow, back and forth. The longer that I am married the better at it I am but I am probably the worst husband that I know. It is something that I could definately improve upon..... But anyway who cares. (I think that is most of my problem)

On a lighter note. Andres Bocelli, the great Italian singer. I did not know that he was a a blind guy. I was watching him sing into open spaces on the grammys and noted to my friend hey this guy cant even shave before he goes out their and swoons the crowd of adoring fans. He say bob he is blind. What are you talking about, I thought that he was just a retarded italian singer that is so self admiring that he stares into space when he sings or does interviews. Oh well I dont notice some of the most obvious things.

a couple of other funny things have crossed my mind but I did not write them down.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We may wake up to eight inches of snow

That would be great to wake up to eight inches. I never woke up to eight inches before but I am probably not going to be able to sleep in anticipation. It would be better than Santa Claus visiting my doorstep. I hope that the weather man is right for once.
