Tuesday, December 20, 2011
They words you say will be repeated to those you don't want it to.
Some people just don't have a filter. I am probably one of them. In no way am I better than anyone else. Well that may not be true. I may make better daily decisions if that is a real thing. We are all obsessed with what other people do and to some extent so am I. I just don't want to get in trouble when you get in trouble for doing what you do every day. It is unreasonable to expect others to avoid risks for you that they would not avoid themselves. I imagine that having no boundaries poses certain troubles. Boundaries are good to have for most relationships. Although, when there are no boundaries people can be free to do as they wish and that is generally good, at least for them. I just don't like it when they take certain risks that I am not comfortable with and would never expose myself to. Not that I would not want to nor never did before but for now and the foreseeable future will not. Simple things really. When you roll with people they roll the way they roll. When you get away from it all it is not as bad as it seemed when they were doing it. Maybe I am just more private than other people are and do not masturbate constantly in front of people because that is how I roll. Either way these are the people who are in my life and why should I shun them for them being themselves. Shunning is the harshest of punishments for most people do endure and the easiest to perform. Safety in numbers does not apply with the people I know......
Saturday, December 10, 2011
The best way to change others is change yourself.
Many times we are disappointed in other people because they do not share the same values that you share. They may run their bullshit scheme right over you and force you to accept their ways. That is fine I guess. Not how I would handle other peoples needs or concerns but that is more often than not the way people tend to handle other people. They just be themselves and let you suffer or enjoy it regardless to whether or not you are enjoying it. I tend to be more accommodating and express that understanding by doing what you would desire me to do. I am convinced that my way is not the best way or the common way just my way and for my satisfaction it is the only way I am going to be. Live and let live is the best advice I imagine. People are on their own paths with or with out you in their lives. No one has that much influence to change where they are going or being. It would be nice if we could enjoy each others company but that includes accommodation for other peoples wants and needs. Not easy to do for anybody, me included. Oh well, that is the way things go. I have learned that my natural gift to return shit is not in my best interest as it causes me to behave in a way that is not pleasing to me or others. It is better that only I am disappointed I guess. In my attempt to get others to examine themselves I am sure that they will only examine me and that is not the intention. Being honorable and behaving honorably is lonely endeavor but in essence I am most concern with what I think of myself than anyone else anyway so I should aim to behave in a way that makes me proud. Pride is an important theme in my life. I want to be proud of how I interact with people and be of benefit to others lives. I have taken the role of asshole to those whom I think deserve it and kind to those whom deserve it. It makes me sad to be rude and crude to anyone so I will aim not to be induced into that type of behavior. I am usually good with that regard but I have slipped here and there. What saddens me is that others to whom you aim to consider do not consider you in the most basic of ways but then again that is their journey and their path and not my concern. Letting go of expectation is very close to not caring and that is a tight wire that I would rather avoid but we all will pass away in this life at some time leaving behind memories and remnants of what you valued. Too bad abuse is legacy that lasts longer than caring. Neglect is never forgotten. We are each other's Worlds. We should treat each other with more respect. I do preach a lot to others about what they should value and behave and for that I am sorry. I should not put my expectations on you if you have no interest in what I think or desire. I should learn other people's boundaries and respect them.......Again, that tight rope of not caring comes to mind. Nothing is more insulting than not valuing what someone else's values. What is incomprehensible is when they expect you to value about them what they refuse to value about you..........The hard part is taking yourself out of the relationships that you have. Successful relationships with others often do not involve you anyway it is more based on how successfully you can tolerate them. Time heals all wounds and I have my own wounds to consider so why should I be focused on others. They are not focused on mine.
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