Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am feeling a bit cranky

It is not unusual for an Irish man to loose his temper. What bothers me is when if you loose your temper people get offended. That is so gay. Man up and take it. If I loose my temper and it was not at you whom I was angry with please don't make it you. I was really offended when you lost your temper. "Why, I was not even mad at you." It always is about me and so therefore I should understand how others have their self story in every event as well. Lets just say that the worlds sensitive people don't seem to show the tolerance they so need from others. You would think that they would have an idea about how to aid or assist someone who is having a bad day or two. But no, they are incapable. Way too much incapability roaming around me. The options for me are simple. Do I wall off my feelings even further due to the lack of others ability to handle them. Or just get more disciplined in my mind to have complete control of my actions and attitudes. I will most likely do both. Back up with the wall. And then people complain that they don't know me. Do you really want to know me?

Anyhow, on a lighter note. My wife has refused two pearl necklaces that I have tried to give her. Why does she do that? Could the ladies that visit my post inform me of her dislike for my generous gifts. Pearl necklaces are not easy to make, and these were nice big ones so I just don't get it. I try so hard to please her and give something that she can wear when she goes out but like everything else she finds fault in them. Oh well. But whenever I see a woman wearing pearls around her neck I know that she loves her man in a way that I envy.

On a similar subject. I get no respect at all. I went for a massage and the guy charge me extra for his happy ending.

Anyhow, tolerance and acceptance is a flawed strategy. Maybe I will join the masses and just not care. Probably not, that is not my nature. Being the fool for others is not my nature either so something is going to change. We shall see what it is.



Anonymous said...

Pearl necklaces are an acquired taste, and it takes a certain kind of woman to wear them with pride. Perhaps you should have offered one of them to the guy who gave you the massage.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps your ability to deliver and produce a top notch pearl necklace is slightly flawed. Maybe there is a problem with the delvery package!!!!!!!!!