Sunday, July 15, 2007

I must blog no matter what

It is time to blog again. The problem is that I only want to share the happy go lucky or funny bob. Well I guess that he in not always available and maybe a glimpse to the other side(s) may have to do.

Interesting things of note. I saw a man die yesterday at Sam's club. Dropped dead of a heart attack. I did not see him fall but laid out on the floor with two people performing CPR. I would of liked to do it but they got there first and it has been ten years since my CPR training. Note to world take CPR course yearly. Now shopping for clothes that fit a fat guy like myself was not as much fun after that. The world goes on, shopping continued. I was truly saddened and felt like crying a bit. I never saw that before. I hope that I don't have to learn that way to loose some weight. What the hell, when I get back from my cruise I will loose all the weight that I gained on my cruise I promise.

I look forward to this vacation and rest from my responsibilities and obligations. However, it may not be enough to change the course. What is enough to change the course for ones life. Whom do we have that steers us towards a better way. I am blessed with those whom I rely upon and who can rely upon me. But are we all retarded? I hate to admit but my simple search for guitar tone and feel is a search for truth in some way. Am I giving my art enough of my time and intellect to grow. I guess or propose that things in our lives are in a cycle of growth or decay, acceptance or denial. Why are some people so far ahead and others so far behind? Where are we (myself and my family and friends) in all of this.

Oh well, humor does help it all.
