Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If I was a porn star I would have to be a soft porn short film specialist

In this world of specialization I must admit that I have expertise where it matters least. I would be good for a geriatric home video on why my balls don't work. Hey it is not gone yet but when it goes I wont care. It just does not have the importance that it once did. When I was younger I could dig a trench with the damn thing now I use it for strictly ornamental reasons. I would not be the same without it nor would I like to be but lets just say I am moving on. With or without you. My balls are in a recession. My new name is Dick Nemia.
Oh by the way I had my wife's dad shove his thirty inch pipe down my throat. He did not even take me out to dinner or get me drunk. I had an endoscopy without any meds. We did it old school. It was horrible. The worst feeling I ever had. It made me crazy for a few weeks.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Maybe I should just keep my thoughts to myself.

It seems that the world is not ready for BOB. They are definitely not ready for a BOB that is in distress. He has way too many hard edges on him. I am usually soft and kind but that is not all the time. Sometimes when I could use help I act out like so many people I see. But they don't know how to help when I do. I am not generally the guy who wants or needs help anyway. It is just not my role. Lately, however, I could use some. Lets face it the world only wants to deal with you when you are available for their needs. I am a smart enough guy but have yet to learn how to manipulate people to take care of me when I complain. I can hardly find the energy after listening to people complain all day to complain to others. It just is not me. Now for the future. It is hard to see how it will all play out. I may make some real big moves. The hope is for less overall suffering. Sometimes our attitudes and skills are not enough to control our destiny. Some factors are bigger than that. I wish that I could just toughen up and fix all my problems with shear ball power. This time it just does not seem like it would be good enough and may likely prolong my suffering.
I thought that I had a stressful life before all this trouble but I think it was easy in comparison. I know now how people feel when they have larger pressures. I am glad that I will be able to work through them. I know of many people who do not have the skills and opportunities that I will have to recover.
I know that my best play is to toughen up and not complain as people just don't care and if they did they don't know how to help. I am finding it hard to behave as strong as I want to. Not that I am far off of the mark but far enough off that I am not impressed but I am only human.
So hopefully, I will pull it together. The longer I am married the more I love my wife so at least at that I am successful. I better not be to complacent as I can screw that up too.
We all have peaks and valleys. This period is a valley for sure. I have to keep optimistic and value the friends that I do confide in as they are strong enough not to let me complain as it is not me. For that I am grateful. Why do I attract such hardened people. There are no softies in my world yet I am as soft as they come.
Oh well, To the future with glee and excitement. Happiness is in the eyes of the beholder.
To start over at this age scares me to death. I am having a hard time cumming up with a better decision considering the trends that I observe. I wish that I was wrong but it just does not happen often.
Anyway, I don't think that this post will enlighten or help anyone and for once in my life I could give a shit. I am not here, at least today, to impress you. Because for right now I just don't need to bleed anymore. Saving it for me.
I also have learned that I just argue too much with people. My life would be far easier to just agree all the time with the people I encounter. Why people debate me when I know more than them about things that I know better just does not make sense. People constantly do it to gain territory over you. I want to kick there asses. Why argue with me in the first place. I am glad that I do not have as many bad person habits that I observe in most people. Now I am half crazy if not more than half but I am not going to argue about the price I pay for something or call someone stupid enough times to get them to help me. A friend of mine owns a pawn shop and people constantly argue that what he sells is not worth the price that he sells and that he does not know what he is doing. He just kicks them out of his store. Say you don't want to pay for it but insulting him will not cause him to lower his prices. It just seems like a bad strategy. Now in my experiences the same questions always come up. Why are people so predictable and stupid at the same time. Oh well, it is just me being negative again and the world does not care so I will end this post for the day. Just as I was closing out the best guitarist ever came on the radio. Link Wray rules the world of guitar bob. Nobody know who that is and it is shame the the greatest was not known. If feel better now that I heard the great one. It reminds me that in many ways I am the great one. Do you know how you are great. (see I am always helping people even when sad you feel good and cant even do it)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Well it is as bad as it could be, but never too bad to handle.

That is what they say. God only gives you what you can handle. Now my God beliefs have long been trouble so lets not go there. I would likely offend allot of people who never read this God Damn blog anyway. I love people who get offended because you are not religious. Actually, not their religion. You never hear, but he is a practicing Jew or a good Muslim. It is all relative to me as far as I care. If that is what you need to get you through this life to the next so be it. However, the sequel is never as good as the original. I am not sure that I want more anyway. It is like waiting for my wife to put out. The waiting is just too much of an issue that I just forget about it. Now that does not mean we do not have a good marriage. She is just not wired for fun. I knew that when I married her so I am fine with it. Just be yourself, even if it bores me. Brings up an interested point that I have. I am never boring. Most people I run into are to some degree boring. Few are never boring. I am one of those.
I asked a gay guy the other day if he was getting any. He looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. I am like yeah to catching any Ass. He did not answer just smiled. I asked him if ever in his life if any other non gay guy asked him that. He said no. I believe in fully accepting people not just tolerating them. Even if he is gay he needs that question every now and then. Regular guys ask each other all the time why not for him. He is still a guy. I feel that I am progressive on this issue.

Another thought I had was what should I buy my wife for when I am out of town on business so that if she needs to take care of her business she can and think of me at the same time. They just don't sell dildos that small. Maybe one for midgets, aka little people. Maybe I can fit in at their conventions and what not as I am also a little person to some degree.

To some small degree I have recovered my warped humor which is good. It is nice to have these thought pop into my head while at work or driving.

The band fired me, let me go or as they say moved on to a new project. I feel bad about it but at some level feel relieved or who the hell knows. I do miss playing as often as I did and playing with them was also at least fun albeit a struggle sometimes. I have found that I is not too hard to find other people to play with and that is good. Met some other players already and it is fun to play with other people who love to play as well. Not the girls did not like to play but there are other fish in the sea so to speak. I am back on my own to develop my talent and technique. I do feel that I got the short end of the stick but from my previous comments that's just the way it goes for me. I wish them well but we were together a long time and I hate to see people be better off without you and it seems that is the case here. I wish they fall into a well. Just kidding. It is time for real rock and roll and not imitation rock and roll. I have no aspirations of being a professional musician. I do have aspirations of being a great musician. I will continue my focus on what interests me which is classical music anyway. If I am going to imitate something it is going to be something great. Not the eagles, Joe Walsh maybe, or whoever. It is a chapter in my life that has closed and to some degree that is sad. It is similar to when a girlfriend brakes up with you. You are back to playing with yourself. The may be the title of my first album. It does surprise me how simple minded people can be. If it is convenient to simplify what is complicated for the ease of transition it is often used. Does anyone really know anybody in this world. No offense to the world but I know you better than you know me and it is not because I am shy or withholding. Yes I am a close to the vest guy, which most would not believe, but by no means not without clues. Trusting the world will treat you in kind is a loosing mans game that I keep playing. I am fortunate to see some see the value. I am very fortunate that my wife never disappoints me in this way so I should be pleased with that.

Anyway, that is enough crying for one day. So to this world Good For You.