Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh boy More Snow

Who the hell cares. Snow is for sissies.

If I want it to snow it wont so I will look forward to it. When I look forward to things they don't happen so I will look forward to a good foot of snow tomorrow. a

Anyhow, not much new for me. Just the same old boring stuff.

I had some funny things to write but I lost them in my clouded mind.

One thing would be great. What if groping was an Olympic sport. I would enjoy a collegiate try out now and then.

Someone asked at my office the other day... What is that smell? It smells like cat piss.

Needless to say there is one less cat at the office.

I tell you what some people do smell and sometimes cat piss would be an improvement but I don't say anything about it. Hey Pam the crotch cream that you been using has lost its glow. I figure that if you smell bad you must feel bad and you don't need me to tell you that.

It is something that I just let go.

Now how is my music coming along. Not bad I have not played as much and sometimes that can help the cause. Makes it more fun when I do. For the personal hygiene I am working on that and hopefully the sent of cat piss can not be such a common occurrence. I am sure that they are just trying to help. I take it as a compliment. (not really)

Now a compliment received is a generous gift and I get some on occasion and cherish their meaning. my back is not used to other than my own hand patting it.

I have grown recently to admire those people who have shaped my talents.
It is important to Revere those who have helped you.

Oh well I hope it snow. I hope my wife puts out.

Its not going to snow


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