Monday, December 7, 2009

More thoughts for the weak minded.

Even my mind is getting weak. It saddens me to think that the only person that I can turn to for help is me but I seem to be the most qualified to help. Others could help but I do not want to burden them. Sharing my feeling usually leads to disappointment anyway. People tend to annoy me with their limits. I truly feel often that no one can help me anyway. I don't require ideas just show me kindness or some enduring character trait that I admire about you. I should make my best efforts to hide my feelings as if I share them you will feel pain. Giving people my pain does not make me feel better just ashamed as I should and can be stronger than that. I will and always will endure. If you really want to help leave me alone and don't tread on my space. I will leave you alone in return. It is sad to a degree that the ones who have great capacity to aid others are helpless themselves. I feel that as I get older I grow colder. I did have a young lady at McDonald's show kindness towards me that we both appreciated. A young pretty high school girl simply aware of how to say hello and simple repore made me feel better. It is a shame that we get so hardened by punishments life has to offer. No I am not attracted to her in a weirdo old man way. I save the weird stuff for middle aged men. I have a bias against anyone offering bullshit optimism to tragety. There is no reason for why things happen other than people are stupid, careless, or drunk so please spare the world your laim ass advice. I would rather prepare for the worst it can be as that is what it usually is. I can handle that too.

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